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UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2021

UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2021

Union Public Service Commission

UPSC EPFO New Exam Date 2021

UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2021. UPSC has released UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2021 for the recruitment of enforcement officer’s under the upsc  epfo advertisement 2020.

All candidates enrolled in the UPSC EPFO Exam can download UPSC EPFO Admit Card 2021. UPSC EPFO Exam postponed.For more details about new UPSC EPFO exam date 2021 check out below upsc epfo advertisement

UPSC EPFO full form is :”Union Public Service Commission Employees Provident Fund of India”

UPSC EPFO is a grade A level officer rank  of Account Officer in Employees Provident Fund Organization ,EPFO  with permanent service .This service is under central government ie. Union Government.

All the allowances,basic pay and upsc epfo grade pay is according to the central government pay level that may subject to change depending upon the up-gradation in the pay level.

Currently 7th pay level is applicable to all central government services and state government services under rules of Union Government of India.


UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2021

UPSC EPFO Important Dates

UPSC EPFO Form Date Starts 11/01/2020
UPSC EPFO Last date to apply 31/01/2020
Pay exam fee last date 31/01/2020
UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2021 09/05/2021(Postponed)
UPSC EPFO Admit Card 2021 Notified Soon
UPSC EPFO Result Available Notified Soon
UPSC EPFO Interview Date Notified Soon

For fresh application upsc epfo apply online 2021 check the upsc epfo qualification and other UPSC EPFO details

UPSC EPFO Eligibility



Application Fee


UPSC EPFO Vacancy 2020

There are a total of 421 vacancies for the upsc epfo post that category wise divided as follows:-

Category No. of Vacancies
GEN 168
OBC 116
EWS 42
SC 62
ST 33
Total 421



upsc epfo in hand salary is 56300/-+ allowances.

UPSC EPFO Exam Pattern

Stage 1-Written Exam

The recruitment process consist of single offline objective written test followed by an interview. The upsc epfo weightage of written test : Interview is 75:25.Exam will be pen and paper based mode at different exam centres across the India.

Name of Test Maximum Marks Duration time
UPSC EPFO Aptitude Test 300 2 Hours
  1. The test will be of objective type.
  2. All question carry equal marks
  3. Total weightage of paper is 300 marks.
  4. Total duration of exam is 120 minutes ie. 2 hours.
  5. upsc epfo negative marking : 1/3rd marks deducted for each wrong answer.
  6. The test will be bilingual ie. Hindi & English.
  7. Specially abled candidates will get 20 minutes extra time.


UPSC EPFO Official Syllabus 

Indian Polity & Economy

Supreme Court; Meaning of Write; Election of President and his functions; Important constitution bodies like CAG; Facts about parliament; Fundamental Duties; Governor and his functions; State legislature; Major Constitutional amendments and their importance; Official Language; Emergency Provisions; National political parties and their symbols

UPSC EPFO India’s Struggle for Freedom

Revolt of 1857 – First War of Independence Against British; Causes of the Rise of Indian National Movement; Indian Nationalism – The Moderate Phase; Morley-Minto Reforms; Partition of Bengal 1905; Indian National Movement – Extremist Period; Important Indian Freedom Fighter; Revolutionaries in the Indian Freedom Movement; The Rise of Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle; The Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre; The Lucknow Pact, 1916; Non-Cooperation Movement; Home Rule Movement; Salt Satyagraha; Moplah Rebellion of 1921; Simon Commission; Swaraj Party; Gandhi-Irwin Pact; First Round Table Conference 1930; Poona Pact; Cripps Mission; Quit India Movement; Indian National Congress Sessions; Indian Independence Act 1947

Industrial Relations & Labour Laws

Constitution of India: workers’ provisions; Laws for Female workers – Maternity Benefit Act, Vishaka Case, Factories Act, Equal Remuneration Act; Labor Laws in India – Trade Union Act, Minimum Wages Act, Strikes and lockouts, Industrial Disputes Act (IDA), Labour Courts, Industrial Tribunals, Workman’s Compensation Act, Employees State Insurance Act, Retirement Benefits, Emigration Act; Unorganised Labour; International Labour Organisation (ILO); Ministry of Labour in India – Important OFFICES/institutes with Labour Ministry, Work done by offices with labour ministry, Chief Labour Commissioner, Labour Bureau, Welfare Commissioners, Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), Board of Arbitration

UPSC EPFO General Accounting Principles

Accounting Concepts – Separate Entity Concept, Money Measurement Concept, Going Concern Concept, Dual Aspect Concern, Realisation Concept, Cost Concept, Accounting Period Concept, Matching Concept;

Accounting Conventions – Conservatism, Consistency, Full Disclosure, Materiality

Social Security in India

Status of Social security in India, Social security schemes for Unorganised Sector; New Social Security Schemes launched covering social insurances like Pension, Health Insurance and Medical Benefit, Disability Benefit, Maternity Benefit, Gratuity; Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) and the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC); Atal Pension Yojna (APY); Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY); Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY); Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Yojana; Pradhan Mantri Kisan Mandhan Yojana, etc.

UPSC EPFO General Science & Computer Knowledge

Biology– Important and Interesting facts about human body parts, Nutrition in Animals and Plants, Diseases and their causes like Bacteria;

Physics – S.I. units, Motion, Sound, Light, Wave, Energy, Electricity;

Chemistry – Chemical Properties of Substance and their uses, Chemical Name of Important substances like Plaster of Paris, etc., Chemical Change and Physical Change, Properties of Gases, Surface Chemistry, Chemistry in Everyday life;Daily Science;

Development of computers; Input and Output Devices; Memory; MS Office; Internet

UPSC EPFO Current Affairs Events of National and International Importance

Current Affairs (National & International); Sports; Awards and their importance; Politics; Finance and Banking sector; Population Census; Important Books and their writers; State Animals and Symbols; Name of the Scientist who got Noble prize for important discoveries; Important Days; Important Inventions and their inventor

UPSC EPFO General English

Questions will be designed to evaluate the candidate’s understanding of English language & Grammar including topics like Vocabulary Usage, Synonyms, Antonyms, Grammar Usage, Comprehension, etc.

General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude

General Mental Ability – Sequence of figures, Series, Blood Relations, Directions, Syllogism, Seating Arrangement, Puzzle Test, Statement and Conclusion, Statement and Inferences, Data sufficiency

UPSC EPFO Maths Syllabus  – Algebra, HCF and LCM, Average, Mixtures and Alligation, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Percentage and its application, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Time, Speed and Distance, Problems Based on Ages, Calendar and Clock, Probability, Permutations and Combinations

Download UPSC EPFO Detailed Syllabus Pdf- Click Here


Stage 2-Interview

Interview : 100 Marks

Minimum Cut off marks for the for passing the interview :The category-wise minimum level of suitability in interviews, minimum qualifying marks are :

out of the total marks of the interview being 100.

UPSC EPFO Total marks =300+100=400


UPSC EPFO Documents Required for Interview :

  1. Matriculation/10th Certificate (as DOB proof)
  2. Graduation Degree/Provisional Certificate
  3. Graduation Mark-sheet
  4. Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications claimed
  5.  Certificate(s) in the prescribed proforma from the Head(s) of Organization(s)/Department(s)  regarding work experience-if applicable
  6. SC/ST/OBC Caste certificate-if applicable
  7. EWS Certificate -if applicable
  8. A declaration in the prescribed format by candidate seeking reservation as OBC, that he/she does not belong to the creamy layer on the crucial date
  9. PWD Certificate-if applicable
  10. No Objection Certificate from Persons already in Regular Government service, whether in permanent or temporary capacity other than casual/Adhoc/daily wages/hourly paid/contract basis.
  11. Certificate(s) in respect of claim regarding Professional Registration, Language, Publications, NET, GATE, Conference, Internship.

UPSC has postponed UPSC EPFO Exam date 2021. New UPSC EPFO date 2021 will be announced soon.

How to UPSC EPFO Apply Online

Some Important Useful Links 

Download UPSC EPFO Exam date 2021 Postponed notice

Click Here

UPSC EPFO Admit Card 2021

Click Here

UPSC EPFO Apply Online

Click Here

UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2021 Notice

Click Here

Download UPSC EPFO Notification

Click Here

Official Website

Click Here


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Some FAQs upsc epfo exam tough ?

Ans- No .UPSC EPFO is easy to moderate level exam. upsc epfo exam conducted every year ?


3. is upsc epfo a gazetted post ?

Ans-Yes. upsc epfo good job ?

Ans-Yes it is group A level Account Officer Job. upsc epfo exam postponed?

Ans-Yes upsc epfo exam date 2021 scheduled on 09/05/2021 has postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic situation across country.

5.upsc epfo group a or b ?

Ans-Group A

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